The goal of this workshop is to present the main advances in the area of Symbolic Dynamical Systems and related topics such as combinatorics of words, discrete geometry, number theory, tilings, graph algebras, etc.. The conference will feature lectures and poster sessions, facing graduate students and researchers.
Confirmed Speakers
Adam Peder Wie Sørensen (U. of Oslo, Norway)
Ali Tahzibi (ICMC-USP, Brazil)
Arek Goet (San Francisco State University, USA)
Artur Oscar Lopes (IM-UFRGS, Brazil)
Benito Pires (USP, Brazil)
Benjamin Steinberg (The City College of New York, USA)
Carlos Gustavo T. de A. Moreira (IMPA, Brazil)
Carlos Alberto Maquera Apaza (ICMC-USP, Brazil)
Carlos Lardizabal (IM-UFRGS, Brazil)
Cristóbal Gil Canto (U. de Málaga, Spain)
Eduardo Garibaldi (IMECC-Unicamp, Brazil)
Hui Li (U. of Windsor, Canada)
Johan Öinert (Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden)
Krerley de Oliveira (UFAL, Brazil)
Kulumani Rangaswami (U. of Colorado, USA)
Lisa Orloff Clark (U. of Otago, New Zealand)
Maria Ramirez Solano (U. of Southern Denmark, Denmark)
Miguel Abadi (USP, Brazil)
Nilson da Costa Bernardes Jr (UFRJ, Brazil)
Ping Ng (U. of Louisiana at Lafayette, USA)
Raimund Preusser (UnB, Brazil)
Régis Varão (UNICAMP, Brazil)
Rodrigo Bissacot Proença (USP, Brazil)
Roozbeh Hazrat (Western Sydney University, Australia)
Ruy Exel (UFSC, Brazil)
Samuel Senti (UFRJ, Brazil)
Thierry Giordano (U. of Ottawa, Canada)
Toke M. Carlsen (U. of Faroe Islands, Faroe Islands)
Udayan B. Darji (U. of Louisville, USA)
Vladimir Pestov (U. of Ottawa, Canada/ UFSC, Brazil)
Mini Courses
The Garden of Eden Theorem (old and new)
Tullio Ceccherini-Silberstein (U. del Sannio, Italy)